It's not a coincidence that the Universe brought you to Trusted Tarot, and I truly belive it's because you are on the verge of finally making your dreams a reality.
There are obstacles in your way, and Tarot Mastery can help you overcome them.
I see great potential in you - a deep, untapped power - but you are holding yourself back. You're scared to let your true self free...
Discover the Advanced Tarot Reading PROVEN to help you overcome challenges and take action to improve your life

Learn how to center your thoughts with my Tarot Mastery course so you can finally take control and combat your negative thoughts and feelings of loneliness to give room for positive emotions.
I have never done this before, but today I am going to reveal how I used Tarot Mastery to overcome the challenges I was facing in life, and how it led me to creating one of the most successful Tarot websites in the world.
The best part? You can use the exact same reading to overcome stress, anxiety, and other obstacles holding you back from living the life you deserve.
If you have anxiety, fear, and other challenges holding you back - even if you're not exactly sure what the problem is - you'll see that by learning this simple reading, you can take charge of your life and steer it in the direction you choose.
But don't take my word for it!
Two students that used Tarot Mastery to overcome the challenges in the lives
I've spent years perfecting Tarot Mastery, testing it on my clients, a group of Grand Patrons, and the first batch of students who went through the course.
I took their feedback and improved the lessons because I wanted to make sure that it lived up to my expectations and delivered results. I wanted to make sure it worked not just for me, but for my students and clients all over the world.
And when people went finished the course, here's what happened:
My self confidence is at an all new level because the faults i found with myself was only my thoughts thinking...
-Tammy S.
I learned how to reconnect with myself and my spirituality by using tips that allowed me to be happy today and work on a better tomorrow
Of course, our lives are complicated and I cannot promise you any specific results. Anyone who does is lying to you. And if you’re not willing to implement anything the cards teach you, I can guarantee it wont work.
But if you are willing to spend a little bit of time each day working towards a better life, and trust the lessons contained within the Major Arcana Tarot cards, you can find the answers you seek.
It might sound a bit daunting, but it's not.
Tarot Mastery is an advanced Tarot reading where you go through each of the Major Arcana cards face up. You learn and practice the lessons contained within each card, and they will help you find a better life.
I will go into the details of the course in a minute, but I wanted to take a step back and tell you a bit more how it came to be.
Most "Online Psychics" are trying to rob you
As a Tarot reader myself, it's hard to say it... but it's in most psychics best interests that you don't find the solutions to your problems.
Because if you found solutions to the problems in your life, you wouldn't need to pay for private readings.
That's why I give away my Tarot readings for free! I want you to find solutions to the problems in your life, and it would be a conflict of interest if I did anything else.
In fact...
I created Tarot Mastery as a step-by-step solution to your problems.
Instead of charging you $100 or more per hour for a private reading, I decided to create an affordable course that helps you SOLVE the problems in your life using Tarot Cards. I want you to learn to overcome the challenges that face you, and CREATE the answers you seek.
And here's the proof it works.
I asked the entire Trusted Tarot community to fill out the Happiness Test, and here are the results.
- Adaptability is how flexible you are in new and unfamiliar situations
- Self Esteem is your self confidence and belief in your abilities
- Sense of control is your belief that you can change the world around you
- Social Skills measures your confidence and ability to build and maintain friendships
- Happiness measures how happy you are
The happiness of 44 doesn't mean "44% happy". Instead, it just serves as a benchmark you can compare against in the future... which is exactly what we did!
After finishing the Tarot Mastery course, I invited all the graduates to fill out the same happiness survey. Here are their results:
After just 30 days, the improvements were incredible! Graduates of the Tarot Mastery course have much higher scores in ALL of these areas.
And this was just 30 days. Imagine the improvements possible after three months, six months, or even a year!
But there’s a catch...
Tarot Mastery is expensive (although I am giving it away for a special price at the end of this page). And you are not going to experience any transformations unless you learn the lessons and INCORPROATE them into your life.
Here's what's included in the lessons:
- Discover the real cause of your problems and how to fix them
- Overcome your anxiety by erasing your fears and catastrophic thoughts
- Identify the exact source of the stress in your life
- Learn my simple strategy to double your happiness everyday!
- Boost your self esteem in just a few minutes each day
- Re-program your negative thought patters like a computer!
- Discover the number one obstacle holding you back from true love, and how to get rid of it
- Get the 6 best ways to relieve stress that you can try today!
- Find the source of bad energy in your life, and conquer it
- Learn why certain times of the day are more powerful than others
- Master "Thought Bubbling", and use it to grow your self-worth
- Discover the difference between actionable and non-actionable thoughts - and why it is important
- Eliminate the surprising enemy that's preventing you from accomplishing your goals
- See how easy it is to create new habits in just 3 easy steps
- Set yourself up success with the secret strategies hidden with Tarot cards
- Learn the three keys to combating illogical thoughts
- Master acceptance of you true self with 18 step-by-step exercises
- Discover why the Death card has a bad reputation, and why it's actually the most positive card in the deck
- Answer the 5 questions that will set free your balance and inner harmony
- Find out where your devil is hiding, and how to slay it with your words
- How to use chaos to leap over the obstacles in your life
- Get your personal map to the forgotten paths to tranquility
- Learn the 39 ways to expand your mind and find optimism
- Discover how to make the right choice when faced with an ultimate decision
- Master the 7 techniques to lock in all the changes you make
- ... and so much more!
I want you to open each email, read it (it takes at most a couple of minutes to read it), discover the hidden meanings and IMMEDIATELY use them to find guidance to your personal challenges in your life. At the end of the 30 days, I want you to experience an incredible transformation. I have written the course so it can be done in 30 days (but you can take longer if you want):
Plus, you also get access to my Tarot Foundations course!
- Tarot Foundations is the first Tarot Course designed to not only teach you the meaning of all 78 Tarot Cards, but help you remember what each and every card means!
- Everyday you will learn the key meanings and symbols of 4 new cards
- Using scientifically-proven repetition and staggered recall, you will review previous cards to cement their meaning in your memory
- Learn at your own pace! The next lessons are automatically added as you finish each one
- Become an expert reader, so you can give Tarot readings to your friends and loved ones... and even start your own Tarot reading business
You are protected by my money-back guarantee
As of yesterday, Trusted Tarot has more than 34,582 positive reviews... and here's a few specific to the Tarot Mastery course:
- "I thank the universe for bringing you into my life Margaret, and having put on my path in life. You can never imagine the boon you mean to my life"
- "You've identified that my thoughts are the catalyst for my emotions and feelings of frustration about where I am in life."
- "I feel happy and lucky! It is so wonderful to discover many secrets unknown to us, the supernatural, the unknown and how generous is our life."
- "I have high expectations. All your stuff is high quality - Keep them coming :)"
- "Thank you so much for this. I can really see myself seeing and being light. I always used to be light for others but dark for myself, which am changing to be light for me too..."
- "Thanks Margaret, I have the certainty that someone sends you into my life when I'm in difficult moments of my life ..."
- "Margaret, my life is changing from every point of view. Thank you so much."
... and I want to make this decision even easier for you.
You have already wasted too much time and money on things that didn’t help you bring about a change in your life, so I am happy to give you unquestionable piece of mind on this purchase.
Your Tarot Mastery course is backed by my 30 Day 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. You MUST be delighted, or I insist you ask for a prompt refund of your entire purchase. No hassles, I promise.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I afford the course?
- I'm never certain on the internet if something is a sham... Can I trust you?
- Will I find the time (or make the time) to take the course?
- Is this course for advanced level readers? I don't know how to read Tarot cards, is that OK?
- I'm interested in esoteric studies, and would like to learn the art of divination...
- The first half of the course is designed to teach you how to use the 22 Major Arcana cards to overcome challenges in your life and deal with stressful situations.
- The second half includes interpretations of all 78 cards, plus an advanced learning platform that helps you quickly and easily learn the key meanings and symbols of each card!
- I feel hopeless, and I'm worried that nothing will ever change anyways...
The most common question I get about Tarot Mastery is the cost, and the solution was simple. I put it on sale :)
Plus, the entire 30 day course is covered by a no-questions-asked guarantee. I want to help you overcome the obstacles in your life, and if you don't feel like the course is working for you please ask me for a refund.
The reason I have such a bold guarantee is because Tarot Mastery works! And I want you to be 100% delighted by your purchase.
If you visited a psychic or a medium in person they would charge you at least $100 an hour. (When I did personal readings, I used to charge $100 for a 45 minute session.) Tarot Mastery is the most affordable way to get this kind of guidance.
I wouldn't call this a "frequently" asked question since I've only been asked this a few times, but it's as good question and I have the exact same feeling whenever I buy something online... and this is the reason why I use PayPal as my payment provider. PayPal the most secure payment method because they make it physically impossible for the seller to ever see your bank account or credit card details. You only can be charged the exact amount you agree to.
And as an extra safety net, PayPal lets you file a dispute through their system to get your money back if you ever want to. (But if you are even the slightest bit unsatisfied, please email me first and take advantage of my 100% refund policy!)
This is a great question, and I hear it a lot. After money, time is most people's scarcest resource... and I wrote this course to be fast and easy for you. You learn one card a day on weekdays, and have time on the weekends to catch up or review if you want to. You can even go slower, as all the lessons are saved for you in the Tarot Mastery member's area.
I have had a few people tell me they are worried that Tarot Mastery would be too advanced or complicated, and I want to assure you it's written for people with no experience reading Tarot cards. Every lesson has exercises to help you practice and remember what you are learning.
Tarot Mastery is not a typical Tarot course, and there are two parts to it:
You're not alone, and this is exactly why I wanted to share this special reading with you. Tarot Mastery is designed to help you overcome the challenges that make you feel hopeless. I have helped hundreds of clients overcome the obstacles in their lives, and I am confident I can help you too!
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